Knocki: The Device able to Make Any Surface a Smart Surface


    How many mornings, when you wake up to shut off your alarm do you wish that you can knock on your nightstand and your morning cup of java starts to brew. Well, wish no more, because Knocki is on the way.  Knocki is a small circular device that attaches to ordinary surfaces and turns them into smart controls.

    What is great about Knocki is that it is super simple to set up.  Just pick a place to put it, select the surface, and then with your cellphone you define whatever it is that you want Knocki to do. You can do this by setting different knocking patterns. And no need to worry about setting it off accidently. It is built with non-acoustic sensors and can distinguish between deliberate knocking patterns and random vibrations.

    The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. You can put one in your living room for the lights, or in the kitchen. Set it up on the door, so if someone knocks, it will send an alert to your phone. Misplace your phone? No problem, just knock the pattern that you set and Knocki will call your phone.

    The Knocki will become even more versatile with the release of more compatible smart-devices.   Since it connects via Wi-fi, let your imagination run wild and get creative!


    Knocki is due to be doing their first production run here in the U.S.A. soon. They are wrapping up their Kickstarter, but have far surpassed their goal of $35,000 by raising just shy of a million dollars.  Those who have pledged will receive their device this December. No word as of yet when they will be in full production. I don’t know about you, but I am very excited for when it gets fully released. All I can say is take my money.

    In western Pennsylvania, born and raised. On the internet is where I spend most of my days...  And when Taylore Coccioletti is not on the internet searching for the latest gadgets or binge watching Netflix you will find her reading, studying, or planning my next trip. It is her goal to visit all the continents before she turns 40 after all! Like the great J.R.R. Tolkien said “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” and also “Never laugh at live dragons.”