Intel’s Euclid is a candy bar sized RealSense PC


    On August 16th, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich on stage for the keynote at the Intel Developers Forum 2016 (IDF 2016) announced the Euclid. A candy bar sized RealSense computing device that allows computers to see in 3D using the RealSense camera, an Intel Atom processor, motion and position sensors, as well as wireless connectivity.

    “The Adoption of visual intelligence into computing is one of the greatest advances of technology” Krzanich said. Essentially, the Euclid an easy way to bring senses to any robot. The Euclid comes with Ubuntu pre installed and also supports the Robot Operating System (ROS).

    “Intel’s Euclid is a developer’s dream for RealSense” said Krzanich. As demonstrated onstage, hardware integration was as easy as plugging in a cable. The software integration is covered by APIs that already exist for gesture recognition and motion tracking. It appears as Intel developed the Euclid to make this as easy as possible to use.

    Video of the IDF Keynote about the Euclid (Skip to minute 42 for the presentation of the Euclid)