Google Daydream announced at Google IO


    Another VR device is soon to hit the market this Fall, and this time it is brought to you by the one and only Google. The Google Daydream was introduced earlier last week at the annual Google I/O developer conference.  From the talk of the town (AKA Google Developers) , this is going to be leaps and bounds ahead of the Google Cardboard headset, because this will have the capability of doing more than just allowing you to watch all of your YouTube videos.

    With the Daydream there are going to be three main components: headset, controller, and of course the applications.

    Unlike the cardboard, the Daydream will have a home screen with certain apps. It will have a menu and you will also be able to search for different apps via the Google Play Store. When you see an app or a game that catches your fancy, you just have to click on it and it will bring you to the overview (Which will have the reviews and cost).  It is worth mentioning that one of the most anticipated app is YouTube’s VR app.  At long last my cat video watching can done with VR technology. What a time to be alive!

    And now to probably the coolest feature of the Google Daydream: the controller. It has a gyroscope, touchpad, some buttons, an accelerometer, and a magnetometer, which makes this max out the awesome-meter. Basically this little device is very accurate when it comes to where you point it and every move you make, every step you take, it’ll be watching you. Well not exactly watching but it does send a signal to the headset by using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy.

    Google Daydream Controller - Photo:
    Google Daydream Controller – Photo:

    So, as good as all this sounds there is one detail worth mentioning: current smartphones will most likely not be compatible with the Google Daydream.  Per Clay Bavor, VR division head “I can tell you that there will most likely not be any retroactively Daydream-ready phones, We want to hold a very high quality bar, and for that to happen all of the components need to be just right. So, to VR fans, I would say, hold off for a few months to get your next phone… and get a Daydream-ready phone”. After all, good things come to those who wait!

    In western Pennsylvania, born and raised. On the internet is where I spend most of my days...  And when Taylore Coccioletti is not on the internet searching for the latest gadgets or binge watching Netflix you will find her reading, studying, or planning my next trip. It is her goal to visit all the continents before she turns 40 after all! Like the great J.R.R. Tolkien said “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” and also “Never laugh at live dragons.”