Monday, February 24, 2025


Robo-Luggage Carrier

Travelling to new places is great! The actual travelling, however, can be a royal pain. With carrying all your luggage, the stress of possibly...

World’s most powerful supercomputer made entirely in China

China just outdid itself with the world’s most powerful supercomputer. The new Sunway TaihuLight at the National Supercomputing Centre in Wuxi was just named...

Google’s AI reads romance novels to improve its conversational skills

Just like reading bedtime stories to our children helps them learn and grow, so Google wants to feed its artificial intelligence engine with stories...

Amazon incites anger from Paris mayor over same-day delivery

It looks like Amazon is off to a rough start with the launch of its same-day delivery service in Paris. The city’s mayor vowed...

Facebook’s DeepText A.I. understands your posts with ‘near-human accuracy’

Facebook users crank out an astonishing 400,000 new posts a minute covering everything from our most essential life events to what our latte art...

Knocki: The Device able to Make Any Surface a Smart Surface

How many mornings, when you wake up to shut off your alarm do you wish that you can knock on your nightstand and your...

Get to know the four newest elements

The periodic table is getting four new names added to it. And it looks like you’ll need to throw out your now outdated shower...

Google Daydream announced at Google IO

Another VR device is soon to hit the market this Fall, and this time it is brought to you by the one and only...

Intro to the Samsung Gear VR

Ladies, gents, young, old, and everyone in between, the future of technology has finally arrived with the latest version of the Samsung Gear VR,...

Turning Carbon Emissions to Stone?

We all know putting too much carbon dioxide in the air poses a huge problem for our planet. But we also have an undying...

Latest on Fanvive

Uber self-driving truck

Uber Advanced Technologies Group wants to discuss the future of trucking

The Uber Advanced Technology Group wants to start a conversation around automation and the future of the transportation industry. Uber has published a study that...
Facebook using a selfie to prove your identity

Facebook now uses a selfie to prove your identity

The next time Facebook notices suspicious activity on your account, they could be asking you to verify your identity via selfie. The social media...
reading a book

New study shows that learning a second language as a young child has huge...

Learning a second language can have benefits for our brain that go far beyond language itself. And when it comes to young children, research...

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