Saturday, February 22, 2025
The Uber Advanced Technology Group wants to start a conversation around automation and the future of the transportation industry. Uber has published a study that provides data on current trends and where the overall demand for the trucking industry is...

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Uber self-driving truck

Uber Advanced Technologies Group wants to discuss the future of trucking

The Uber Advanced Technology Group wants to start a conversation around automation and the future of the transportation industry. Uber has published a study that...
people carrying water in baskets

New research confirms the link between drought and violence

In times when the land is parched, we see crops wither in the sun, commodity prices skyrocket, and local economies destabilize. For these reasons,...
Echo Look on Closet Shelf

Echo Look by Amazon uses Machine Learning to give fashion advice

On Wednesday, Amazon announced the latest product of the Echo line. The latest skill for Alexa will have her become your personal fashion consultant....

Google is making it easier to find events going on around town

For all those times when your friends want to go out but no one has good ideas on what to do, Google wants to...
NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang in Europe discussing DRIVE PX Pegasus and its role in robotaxi

Nvidia made a car computer powerful enough to run a fully autonomous Robotaxi

Computing company Nvidia plans to launch a next-generation supercomputer powerful enough to run fully-autonomous level 5 Robotaxi. Nvidia’s new version of its Drive PX...
The retail grocery industry has been on edge as of late in the wake of Amazon’s recent takeover of Whole Foods. As the dust settles on this massive acquisition announcement, Walmart just let us know they’re willing to try...